Property valuation and tenancies

The year for property valuation purposes in Scotland was from 15th May to 14th May. Property valuations were used to calculate rates payable by proprietors and tenants. The cycle was derived from Whitsunday (‘Whitsun’ or Pentecost), which the church calendar sets as the seventh Sunday after Easter. This is a changing date each year but Whitsun for property purposes was fixed legally as 15th May.

Many properties were let on the basis of the valuation year which influenced the annual or six-monthly hiring cycle for some businesses, particularly farms, with employment from Whitsun or Martinmas (November). Towns such as Dumfries and Hawick would hold hiring fairs for their areas.

Tenant farmers might retain their tenancy for a number of years but if they decided to end it, there could be a large ‘displenishment sale’ (stock clearances) of livestock and equipment.



