Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Associations

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The Scout movement, founded by Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell, spread rapidly after his publication Scouting for Boys in 1908. Baden-Powell founded the Girl Guides in 1910, led by his sister Agnes.

Scout camp on a hill overlooking Langholm, 1914 (LAG)

The scoutmaster in Langholm was Harry Robinson, an artist, born in Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. The Girl Guides were run by Miss Marion Buchanan, daughter of Rev James Buchanan, minister of the Old Parish church.

Scoutmaster Harry Robinson at centre right (LAG)

The scouts in Langholm assisted the Red Cross hospital by delivering messages. The guides helped with cutting and rolling bandages and taking collections.

Two scouts are seated at the front (LAG)

The scoutmaster’s son, also Harry, was given the Silver Wolf award by Baden-Powell, the highest Scout award, ‘for services of the most exceptional character’. He served with 3rd Battalion KOSB and died of wounds near Ypres, Belgium, on 9 June 1915, aged 20. On hearing of his death, Baden-Powell wrote to his father (see [date] in the Diary).

Silver Wolf award